Apr 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Donadi, Elisa;Arciniegas, Andrea;Suárez-Alemán, Ancor;Dominguez, Enrique
La Caja de Herramientas que se presenta está diseñada con el objeto de proveer un enfoque integral de sostenibilidad ambiental y resiliencia climática en el desarrollo de infraestructura bajo el…
Mar 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Acuña Mantilla, Kelly;Vergara Stuardo, Josefa
La integridad en la gobernanza del agua, definida como o el uso ético y honesto de los poderes y recursos conferidos para la prestación sostenible y equitativa de los servicios, es crucial para…
Mar 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Katz, Raúl;Valencia, Ramiro;Callorda, Fernando;Puig Gabarró, Pau;García Zaballos, Antonio;Iglesias Rodriguez, Enrique;Dalio, Maribel
El objetivo de este documento es estudiar el efecto socioeconómico de las tecnologías digitales (uso de Internet o computadora y tenencia de celular) en Ecuador, abordando el análisis desde un…
Mar 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Drumond, Felipe
O presente diagnóstico descreve os resultados da avaliação do serviço civil do Brasil, realizada em 2023. Fundamentou-se no quadro metodológico elaborado em 2002 e nas boas práticas descritas na…
Mar 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Duryea, Suzanne;Millán-Quijano, Jaime;Morrison, Judith;Ovideo Gil, Yanira
In this paper, we document de facto, implicit, and explicit racial biases within the public employment service in Colombia. By combining administrative data about job seekers and job openings with…
Mar 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Cunha, Daniel;Craveiro, Giovana;Rossi, Marina
This paper explores a granular database from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Green Bond Transparency Platform covering the issuance of 430 corporate and sovereign Environmental, Social, and…
Mar 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Martínez Villarreal, Déborah;Rojas Méndez, Ana María;Scartascini, Carlos;Simpser, Alberto
Can societies be nudged to adopt beneficial behaviors? Publicizing how people behave on average descriptive-norms nudging has emerged as a key tool for increasing the adoption of desirable behaviors…
Mar 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Amodio, Francesco;Brancati, Emanuele;De Roux, Nicolas;Di Maio, Michele
Using establishment-level data from the World Bank Enterprise Survey, we assess the market power of exporting firms across 16 countries in Latin America. Leveraging information on export destinations…
Mar 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Dinarte, Lelys;Egaña del Sol, Pablo;Martínez, Claudia;Rojas Alvarado, Cindy Jacqueline
After-school programs (ASP) that keep youth protected while engaging them in socio-emotional learning might address school-based violent behaviors. This paper experimentally studies the socio-…
Mar 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Gomez-Gonzalez, Jose E.;Uribe, Jorge M.;Valencia, Oscar
Climate change adaptation efforts are heavily dependent on a countrys fiscal capacity and the associated costs of undertaking adaptation policies. The current accumulation of high debt levels in…
Mar 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Talbot-Wright, Hipólito;Delgado, Raúl;Vogt-Schilb, Adrien;Alvarado, Jose Miguel;Buchuk, Daniela;Torres Pelaez, Daniela;Loo-Kung, Rudy
This document analyzes the expectations and objectives of the Ministries of Finance, Economy, and Finance of Latin America and the Caribbean regarding implementing carbon pricing mechanisms. It…
Mar 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Talbot-Wright, Hipólito;Delgado, Raúl;Vogt-Schilb, Adrien;Alvarado, Jose Miguel;Buchuk, Daniela;Torres Pelaez, Daniela;Loo-Kung, Rudy
Este documento analiza las expectativas y los objetivos de los ministerios de Hacienda, Economía y Finanzas de América Latina y el Caribe respecto a la implementación de mecanismos de precios al…
Mar 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Galindo, Arturo;Izquierdo, Alejandro
Latin America and the Caribbean overcame significant economic challenges in 2023 and exceeded growth expectations thanks to the strong macroeconomic fundamentals it laid in recent years. The region…
Mar 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Galindo, Arturo;Izquierdo, Alejandro
América Latina y el Caribe superó importantes retos económicos en 2023 y excedió las expectativas de crecimiento gracias a los sólidos fundamentos macroeconómicos que estableció en los últimos años.…
Mar 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Galindo, Arturo;Izquierdo, Alejandro
América Latina e Caribe superaram desafios econômicos significativos em 2023 e ultrapassaram as expectativas de crescimento graças aos sólidos fundamentos macroeconômicos estabelecidos nos últimos…
Mar 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Luduvice, André Victor D.;Martinez, Tomás R.;Sollaci, Alexandre B.
This paper studies the effects of the minimum wage on the life cycle of firms. We first build a tractable model where heterogeneous firms have labor market power, invest in innovation, and choose…
Mar 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Díaz Escobar, Ana María;Salas Bahamón, Luz Magdalena;Piras, Claudia;Suaya, Agustina
This study sheds light on the growing trend and gender dynamics of workplace flexibility in Latin America, underscoring the importance of remote work options in the regions labor market. We explore…
Mar 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Rangel, Marcos;Marotta, Luana;van der Werf, Cynthia;Duryea, Suzanne;Drouet Arias, Marcelo;Rodríguez Guillén, Lucina
We investigate the assimilation of immigrant youth in Ecuador. Focusing on formal schooling and employing administrative data from high schools, we document subtle ways by which assessment biases…
Mar 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Zanoni, Wladimir;Díaz, Emily;Paredes, Jorge;Andrian, Leandro Gaston;Maldonado, Juan Lorenzo
This paper delves into the dynamic impact of Ecuador's 2008 sovereign debt default on the subsequent performance of the country's bonds, specifically as measured by the Emerging Markets…
Feb 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Berenzon Gorn, Shoshana;Prado Hernández, Patricia;Fuentes A., Patricia María del Carmen;Rodríguez, Eva Ma.;Galván, Jorge;López, Arnoldo;Méndez Rolón, Emmanuel;Rodríguez Caballero, Carlos Vladimir;Ruíz, Eunice;Vega, Leticia
A comprehensive care model is presented to rehabilitate and reintegrate young survivors of trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation into society and a healthy, productive life. The model stands…