Jan 1998 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Londero, Elio
Professionals in the field of applied economic analysis and students interested in a more detailed approach to cost-benefit analysis than that offered in the most widely used textbooks will find…
Jan 1998 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Londero, Elio
Los profesionales que se dedican al análisis económico aplicado y los estudiantes interesados en un enfoque del análisis costo beneficio más detallado que el que ofrecen los textos más difundidos,…
Jan 1998 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Errazuriz, L. Felipe;Burfisher, Mary;Escudero, Gerardo;Bruxedas, Martín;Hertford, Reed;Aceves Avila, Roberto;Pomareda, Carlos;Robinson, Sherman;Figueroa, Adolfo;Echeverría, Ruben G.;Salles-Filho, Sergio;Reca, Lucio G.;Gligo, Nicolo;Bejarano Avila, Jesús Antonio;Muchnik, Eugenia;Pinstrup-Andersen, Per;Martínez Nogueira, Roberto;Espinal, Carlos F.;Thierfeider, Karen
La compatibilización entre el desarrollo agropecuario, la reducción de la pobreza rural y la conservación de los recursos naturales y del medio ambiente constituye uno de los más importantes desafíos…
Jan 1998 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Thorp, Rosemary
What did the Latin American economies achieve in the course of a hundred years and how has this affected standards of living? This comprehensive history examines the political and economic forces…
Jan 1998 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Thorp, Rosemary
Esta historia económica revisa las fuerzas políticas, institucionales y económicas que determinaron el complejo y a veces paradójico proceso de desarrollo de la región durante el siglo XX.
Jan 1998 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Molina, Leónidas;Arévalo, Alejandro;Lara, Marión;Stein, Ernesto H.;Clarke, Caroline;Lamport, Pedro;Bes, Martín;Giovannelli, Giovanni;Nicol, Lionel;Lallemand-Flucher, Marie-Alice;Cahillane, John;Iglesias, Enrique V.;Sánchez, Arnold;Huertas, Marcela;Roda Fornaguera, Pablo;Darche, Benjamín;Henry, Fabrice;Jacobs, Michael;Yano, Mario;Prud'homme, Rémy;Eguino, Huáscar;Durán de Jager, Patricia;Bortis, Hans-Ruedi;Arauco, Eduardo;Berger, Oscar;Hausmann, Ricardo
Este volumen contiene los anales de un seminario sobre modernización de las finanzas municipales. En el seminario se discutieron e intercambiaron experiencias sobre las políticas que los gobiernos…
Jan 1998 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Wolff, Laurence;Litto, Frederick;Haddad, Wadi D.;Quick, Stephen A.;Romiszowski, Alexander J.;Stevens, Anne;Cutter, W. Bowman;Pelgrum, W.J.;Peled, Zimra;Harasim, Linda M.;Oliveira, João Batista Araujo e;Puryear, Jeffrey M.;Papert, Seymour;Castro, Claudio de Moura;Block, Clifford;Peled, Elad;Falcão, Joaquin;Hepp, Pedro;Daniel, John;Knight, Peter T.;Jobs, Steve
The promise of technology and the need for caution in its application were the topics of the Seminar on Education in the Information Age held in Cartagena, Colombia on July 1997, sponsored by the IDB…
Jan 1998 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Wolff, Laurence;Litto, Frederick;Haddad, Wadi D.;Quick, Stephen A.;Romiszowski, Alexander J.;Stevens, Anne;Cutter, W. Bowman;Pelgrum, W.J.;Peled, Zimra;Harasim, Linda M.;Oliveira, João Batista Araujo e;Puryear, Jeffrey M.;Papert, Seymour;Castro, Claudio de Moura;Block, Clifford;Peled, Elad;Falcão, Joaquin;Hepp, Pedro;Daniel, John;Knight, Peter T.;Jobs, Steve
En este libro se presentan los temas discutidos durante el Seminario "La educación en la era de la informática", realizado en Cartagena, Colombia en julio de 1997. El evento fue organizado…
Jan 1998 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Rojas-Suárez, Liliana;Birdsall, Nancy;Naím, Moisés;Lora, Eduardo;James, Estelle;Iglesias, Enrique V.;Gavin, Michael;Sabot, Richard H.;Lustig, Nora;Londoño, Juan Luis;Cortázar, René;Graham, Carol;Weisbrod, Steven R.;Hausmann, Ricardo;Coles, Jonathan;Carter, Michael R.;Alfaro, Raquel;Briscoe, John;Sheahan, John;Bradburn, Ralph;Stiglitz, Joseph
Latin American experts demonstrate how market-friendly measures in key policy areas can promote greater equity and efficiency. By identifying win-win strategies, the authors challenge the…
Jan 1998 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Inter American Development Bank
This book focuses in detail on the analysis of foreign direct investment flows to Latin America and the Caribbean from the vantage point and on the basis of statistical sources from the main investor…
Jan 1998 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Rogozinski, Jacques
In High Price for Change, a distinguished economist discusses the impact of Mexico's privatization on government finances, the balance of payments, and the financial market, as well as on…
Sep 1997 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Talvi, Ernesto;Stein, Ernesto H.;Lora, Eduardo;Gavin, Michael;Lalchan, Rajindra;Hausmann, Ricardo
El Informe de 1997 examina las fuerzas complejas que le han dado forma al proceso de reformas y analiza los retos de mantener un crecimiento económico sostenible, de la prevención de inestabilidad,…
Jan 1997 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Talvi, Ernesto;Serra, Pablo;Birdsall, Nancy;Pack, Howard;Solimano, Andrés;Stallings, Barbara;Gavin, Michael;Sabot, Richard H.;Lustig, Nora;Petrei, Humberto;Edwards, Sebastián;Hausmann, Ricardo;Jaspersen, Frederick;Cunha, Paulo Vieira da;Thomas, Vinod;Shirley, Mary M.;Page, John;Howard, Eleanor;Pfeffermann, Guy;Ross, David;Shilling, John;Boeker, Paul;Lee, Jisoon;Bitran Colodro, Eduardo
The authors of this volume analyze the policies that led to East Asia's economic success, including those affecting human resources, savings, the financial sector, trade and institutions, and…
Jan 1997 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Almeyda-Stemper, Gloria
For women microentrepreneurs, access to financial services matters. It is critical to their ability to make productive investments in their businesses. As part of IDB's efforts to strengthen…
Jan 1997 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Almeyda-Stemper, Gloria
El acceso de la mujer microempresaria a los servicios financieros es clave para sus estrategias de inversión. Como parte de los esfuerzos del BID para fortalecer el papel de las mujeres en el…
Jan 1997 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Iglesias, Augusto;Vittas, Dimitri;Stone, Bernel;Cho, Yoon Je;Staking, Kim B.;Shibata, Tsutomu;Kruse, Douglas;Vives, Antonio;Allen, Franklin;Montenegro, Armando;Santomero, Anthony
This book contains a selection of the major presentations from the conference: "Policy-Based Finance and Alternatives for Financial Market Development" held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in…
Jan 1996 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Birdsall, Nancy;Deosaran, Ramesh;Tincani, Amos;Suárez, Elena M.;Lewis, David E.;Bloomfield, Richard J.;Rajapatirana, Sarath;Serbin, Andrés;Henrikson, Alan K.;Skeete, Charles A.T.;Ross-Brewster, Havelock R.H.;Walch, Karen S.;Bloomfield, Steven B.;Dookeran, Winston C.;Meins, Bertus J.
Fourteen essays by experienced political leaders, researchers and scholars examine the political economy and international relations of the Caribbean. Strategies for sustainable development include…
Jun 1995 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Arretche, Marta Teresa S.;Draibe, Sonia Miriam;Lopes, Juárez Rubens Brandáo;Souza, Aparecida Neri de;Raczynski, Dagmar;Trejos, Juan Diego;Do Amaral, Helena Kerr;Martínez Nogueira, Roberto;Da Fonseca, Ana María Medeiros;Di Giovanni, Geraldo
Este libro ofrece un análisis crítico de los programas para combatir la pobreza en cuatro países. Los estudios revelan diversos problemas normativos, de procedimiento y de coordinación…
Jan 1995 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Paz, Fernanda;Ronderos Torres, Margarita;Acosta, Gladys;Woroniuk, Beth;Paolisso, Michael;Buvinic, Mayra;Lycette, Margaret;Velázquez, Margarita;Cartaya, Vanessa;Berger, Marguerite;Pollack, Molly;Delgadillo, Ligia;Arizpe, Lourdes;Anderson-Manley, Beverly;Facio, Alda;López, Cecilia
Inequality between men and women in Latin America persists in everything from wages to health care, education, and access to credit. Based on studies for an IDB-sponsored forum in Guadalajara, Mexico…
Jan 1994 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Argüello, Manuel;González de Pacheco, Rosa Amelia;Navarro, Juan Carlos;Irarrázaval, Ignacio
This book describes the interaction between community organizations (OPCs, or organizaciones de participación comunitaria), the local communities, and the public sector in Venezuela, Costa Rica, and…