Pathways to Growth: Comparing East Asia and Latin America

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Pack, Howard;
Jaspersen, Frederick;
Cunha, Paulo Vieira da;
Thomas, Vinod;
Shirley, Mary M.;
Page, John;
Howard, Eleanor;
Pfeffermann, Guy;
Ross, David;
Shilling, John;
Boeker, Paul;
Lee, Jisoon;
Date issued
Jan 1997
Birdsall, Nancy;
Jaspersen, Frederick
The authors of this volume analyze the policies that led to East Asia's economic success, including those affecting human resources, savings, the financial sector, trade and institutions, and examine the lessons these policies carry for Latin America. The genesis of this book was an IDB-sponsored conference, "Development Experience of the Latin American and East Asian Countries" held in Santiago, Chile in June 1994. The conference was attended by policymakers, scholars and community leaders from Latin America, North America and East Asia. The Japan Special Fund and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean provided financial and logistical support. The papers presented in this volume draw on the conference discussions. Valuable contributions and comments came from many participants, including government officials from Latin American and Caribbean countries and staff of the World Bank, ECLAC, and IDB.
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