Sep 2020 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Lee, Seung Hwan
The IDB's 2020 flagship book, “From Structures to Services,” seeks to motivate us to think about today's basic infrastructure services and how technological disruption will change the way…
Sep 2020 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Kang, Taeil
The IDB's 2020 flagship book, “From Structures to Services,” seeks to motivate us to think about today's basic infrastructure services and how technological disruption will change the way…
Sep 2020 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Alpízar, Francisco;Madrigal, Róger;Alvarado, Irene;Brenes Vega, Esteban;Camhi, Ashley;Maldonado, Jorge Higinio;Marco, Jorge;Martínez, Alejandra;Pacay, Eduardo;Watson, Gregory
The Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region enjoys an exuberant natural wealth; with 16 percent of the planets land, the region is home to 40 percent of the worlds biological diversity. This report…
Sep 2020 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Alpízar, Francisco;Madrigal, Róger;Alvarado, Irene;Brenes Vega, Esteban;Camhi, Ashley;Maldonado, Jorge Higinio;Marco, Jorge;Martínez, Alejandra;Pacay, Eduardo;Watson, Gregory
La región de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) goza de una riqueza natural exuberante; con el 16 por ciento de la tierra del planeta, la región alberga el 40 por ciento de la diversidad biológica del…
Sep 2020 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Catalán-Herrera, Juan Carlos
This paper assesses debt sustainability in Guatemala. Debt stability has been achieved at very low expenditure levels, at the expense of adequate provisioning of public goods and services and a…
Sep 2020 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Pinto, Diana M.;Regalia, Ferdinando;Perez-Cuevas, Ricardo;Marín, Tania;Astorga, Ignacio;Máñez, Miguel Angel;Gutiérrez Alba, Gaudencio;Jaramillo Castell, Fabiola;Minué, Sergio;Muños Hernández, José Alberto;Reyes Morales, Hortensia;Ricaurte Cepeda, Melissa ;Santilli, Irene;Yépez Chamorro, María Clara;Cejas, Cintia ;Juárez Ramírez, Clara
Integrated Health Service Delivery Networks (IHSDN) based on primary health care (PHC) are the most promising solution for health systems to satisfy the health needs of the population and to address…
Sep 2020 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Pinto, Diana M.;Regalia, Ferdinando;Perez-Cuevas, Ricardo;Marín, Tania;Astorga, Ignacio;Máñez, Miguel Angel;Gutiérrez Alba, Gaudencio;Jaramillo Castell, Fabiola;Minué, Sergio;Muños Hernández, José Alberto;Reyes Morales, Hortensia;Ricaurte Cepeda, Melissa;Santilli, Irene;Yépez Chamorro, María Clara;Cejas, Cintia;Juárez Ramírez, Clara
Las redes integradas de prestación de servicios de salud (RISS) basadas en la atención primaria a la salud (APS) son la solución más prometedora para satisfacer las necesidades de la población y…
Aug 2020 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Arias Ortiz, Elena;Cristia, Julian P.;Cueto, Santiago
The early twenty-first century has witnessed an explosion of technological changes that have revolutionized the way we travel, shop, interact and play. Technology can also transform education by…
Aug 2020 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Arias Ortiz, Elena;Cristia, Julian P.;Cueto, Santiago
El comienzo del siglo XXI ha sido testigo de una explosión de cambios tecnológicos que han revolucionado la forma en que viajamos, compramos, interactuamos y jugamos. La tecnología también puede…
Aug 2020 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Bottan, Nicolas L.;Hoffmann, Bridget;Vera-Cossio, Diego A.
The current coronavirus pandemic is an unprecedented public health challenge that has devastating economic impacts for households. Using a sample of 230,540 respondents to online surveys in 17…
Aug 2020 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Eguino, Huáscar;Schächtele, Simeon
We present new evidence that a non-threatening behavioral intervention appealing to reciprocity significantly increases tax compliance in a setting (i.e., crisis-ridden Argentina) where one might…
Aug 2020 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): De la Cruz, Rafael;Manzano, Osmel;Loterszpil, Mario;Castilleja Vargas, Liliana;Deza, María Cecilia
Este libro presenta una estrategia para impulsar el crecimiento de manera sostenida en el largo plazo y consolidar a la clase media. La estrategia de crecimiento que se desarrolla en este estudio…
Aug 2020 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Serebrisky, Tomás;Brichetti, Juan Pablo;Blackman, Allen;Mesquita Moreira, Mauricio
Effectively fighting the pandemic requires thorough understanding of the gaps in public policies that governments must address. To this end, Bank experts have recently drafted two documents aimed at…
Aug 2020 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Serebrisky, Tomás;Brichetti, Juan Pablo;Blackman, Allen;Mesquita Moreira, Mauricio
Combatir efectivamente la pandemia requiere entender cabalmente las disyuntivas de políticas públicas que los gobiernos enfrentan. En consecuencia, el BID ha elaborado documentos dirigidos a…
Aug 2020 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): López-Ghio, Ramiro;Salazar Echavarría, Carlos;Schloeter, Luis
In Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) the overall infrastructure investment gap has undermined the regions ability to sustain recent levels of economic growth. Estimates suggest that the region…
Aug 2020 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Cavallo, Eduardo A.;Izquierdo, Alejandro;Leon-Diaz, John
Sudden stops in net capital flows can be prevented if domestic investors either repatriate foreign-held assets or roll over their local asset holdings when foreign investors stop lending or sell off…
Aug 2020 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Nuguer, Victoria;Powell, Andrew
Over the past two decades, Latin America and the Caribbean made strides in boosting income levels and inclusion while reducing poverty. However, growth declined in recent years, thwarting the…
Aug 2020 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Nuguer, Victoria;Powell, Andrew
A lo largo de las dos últimas décadas, América Latina y el Caribe ha avanzado mucho en el aumento de los niveles de ingresos y la inclusión, al tiempo que ha reducido la pobreza. Sin embargo, el…
Jul 2020 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Cavallo, Eduardo A.;Powell, Andrew;Serebrisky, Tomás
To close its infrastructure gap, Latin America and the Caribbean needs more than investment in new structures. It needs to become more efficient at investing in infrastructure and regulating a new…
Jul 2020 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Cavallo, Eduardo A.;Powell, Andrew;Serebrisky, Tomás
Para cerrar su brecha de infraestructura, América Latina y el Caribe necesita algo más que invertir en nuevas estructuras. Debe ser más eficiente en las inversiones en infraestructura y en la…