Oct 2021 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Perez-Vincent, Santiago M.;Carreras, Enrique
Esta publicación examina los cambios en la frecuencia y las características de los reportes de violencia doméstica tras el inicio de la pandemia y la imposición de restricciones a la movilidad en…
Oct 2021 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Navas, Cristian;Bueno Cadena, Carlos;Mix Vidal, Richard
El transporte es uno de los sectores más representativos en la generación de contaminación ambiental asociada a emisiones de gases efecto invernadero, llegando a contribuir en América Latina y el…
Oct 2021 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Eguino, Huáscar;Román, Soraya;Schächtele, Simeon;Canavire-Bacarreza, Gustavo
Uno de los principales desafíos de los gobiernos locales de América Latina y el Caribe es mejorar sus ingresos tributarios a partir de medidas que sean fáciles de implementar, tengan bajos costos y…
Oct 2021 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Zanoni, Wladimir;Acevedo, Paloma;Guerrero, Diego
This paper analyzes how slum upgrading programs impact elementary school childrens attendance in Uruguay. We take advantage of the eligibility rule that deems slums eligible for a SUP program if they…
Oct 2021 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Marsters, Lizzie;Morales, Gabriela;Ozment, Suzanne;Silva Zuniga, Mariana C.;Watson, Gregory;Netto, Maria;Frisari, Giovanni Leo
Innovative financing models are emerging globally to advance nature-based solutions (NBS) that can cost-effectively enhance infrastructure performance, meet Sustainable Development Goals, and…
Oct 2021 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Marsters, Lizzie;Morales, Gabriela;Ozment, Suzanne;Silva Zuniga, Mariana C.;Watson, Gregory;Netto, Maria;Frisari, Giovanni Leo
En todo el mundo están surgiendo modelos innovadores de financiación para promover las Soluciones basadas en la Naturaleza (SBN) que pueden incrementar de forma rentable el rendimiento de las…
Oct 2021 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Oliver, Emmie;Ozment, Suzanne;Grunwaldt, Alfred;Silva Zuniga, Mariana C.;Watson, Gregory
Governments across Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) face challenges in extending and maintaining infrastructure to serve their populations, especially as climate change and ecosystem degradation…
Oct 2021 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Oliver, Emmie;Ozment, Suzanne;Grunwaldt, Alfred;Silva Zuniga, Mariana C.;Watson, Gregory
Los gobiernos de América Latina y el Caribe se enfrentan al reto de ampliar y mantener las infraestructuras para atender a sus poblaciones, especialmente a medida que el cambio climático y la…
Oct 2021 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Scholl, Lynn;Bedoya-Maya, Felipe;Sabogal-Cardona, Orlando;Oviedo, Daniel
As transit ridership continues to fall in many cities across the globe, key policy debates continue around whether Uber and other ride-hailing services are contributing to this trend. This research…
Oct 2021 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Chauvin, Juan Pablo
This paper presents an overview of how health outcomes vary across cities in Latin America and discusses some of the known drivers of this variation. There are large disparities in outcomes across…
Sep 2021 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Elacqua, Gregory;Westh Olsen, Anne Sofie;Velez-Ferro, Santiago
We study the advantages, trade-offs, and challenges of employing a centralized rule to determine the allocation of teachers to schools. Data come from the centralized teacher assignment program in…
Sep 2021 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Cañigueral Bagó, Albert;Heredero, Elena;Okumura, Masato;Molina, Erika;Ripani, Laura
WorkerTech is defined as digital services that offer independent workers benefits to improve the social protection and the productivity. Today, thinking only in terms of full-time salaried work and…
Sep 2021 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Cañigueral Bagó, Albert;Heredero, Elena;Okumura, Masato;Molina, Erika;Ripani, Laura
WorkerTech se define como los servicios digitales que ofrecen a los trabajadores independientes beneficios para mejorar las protecciones sociales y la productividad. Hoy en día, pensar solo en…
Sep 2021 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Saigí-Rubió, Francesc;Torrent-Sellens, Joan;Robles, Noemí;Pérez Palaci, José Enrique;Baena, María Isabel
Este trabajo presenta una identificación de las principales cuestiones relacionadas con el desarrollo de la telemedicina, en especial políticas, aspectos regulatorios y legales, y problemas de salud…
Sep 2021 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Foronda, Carlos;Beverinotti, Javier
This study quantifies the impact of process and product innovation on employment growth in Bolivia by using microdata from a survey on innovation conducted in Bolivia in 2016. Following the model of…
Sep 2021 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Foronda, Carlos;Beverinotti, Javier
El presente estudio cuantifica el impacto de la innovación en procesos y productos sobre el crecimiento del empleo en Bolivia empleando microdatos de la encuesta de innovación en Bolivia (2016).…
Sep 2021 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Li, Kun
To quantify the growth in GHG emissions related to international trade, we build an extensive database for export-related production and transportation GHG emissions covering 189 countries and 10…
Sep 2021 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): González, Aldo;Micco, Alejandro
Con el apoyo de Gobiernos e instituciones de investigación de América Latina y el Caribe, desde el BID desarrollamos en 2020 la Red de Análisis y Buenas Prácticas en Asociaciones Público-Privadas (…
Sep 2021 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Rodríguez Chatruc, Marisol;Rozo, Sandra
Can taking the perspective of an out-group reduce prejudice and promote prosociality? Building on insights from social psychology, we study the case of Colombian natives and Venezuelan immigrants. We…
Sep 2021 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Gandelman, Néstor;Lamé, Diego
Using a standard trust game, we elicit trust and reciprocity measures in a representative sample of adult players in Montevideo, the capital city of Uruguay, a country that exhibits relatively better…