Feb 2023 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Gutiérrez Fernández, Emilio;Rubli, Adrian
We contribute to understanding the challenges for estimating the size of the LGBTQ population and discriminatory sentiment against it by surveying 10,003 individuals, whom we randomize into a direct…
Feb 2023 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Costella, Cecilia;Diez, Ana;Beazley, Rodolfo;Alfonso, Mariana
Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is one of the regions most exposed and vulnerable to climate-related risks, with large shocks occurring regularly. Climate change is exacerbating the frequency…
Feb 2023 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Ayres, João;Navarro, Gaston;Nicolini, Juan Pablo;Teles, Pedro
We assess the quantitative relevance of expectations-driven sovereign debt crises, focusing on the Southern European crisis of the early 2010s and the Argentine default of 2001. The source of…
Feb 2023 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Ardanaz, Martín;Cavallo, Eduardo A.;Izquierdo, Alejandro
Fiscal rules have gained popularity as tools to strengthen debt sustainability by constraining policy discretion. However, their track record in the case of emerging markets is mixed, as setting up a…
Jan 2023 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Valencia, Oscar;Rodriguez, Luis Alberto;Siachoque, Juan Pablo
Total public debt in most emerging markets grew before and after the pandemic with a sizable share in foreign currency. Along this trend, interest payments increased even in the presence of active…
Jan 2023 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Ibáñez, Ana María;Moya, Andrés;Velásquez, Andrea
El número de migrantes forzados ha aumentado considerablemente desde principios de la década del 2000 y se ha duplicado en la última década. Para responder a las necesidades de la población…
Jan 2023 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Powell, Andrew;Valencia, Oscar
Debt has risen around the world, and Latin America and the Caribbean is no exception. Total debt has grown to US$5.8 trillion, or 117 percent of GDP, for the region and as much as 140 percent of GDP…
Jan 2023 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Powell, Andrew;Valencia, Oscar
La deuda ha aumentado en todo el mundo y América Latina y el Caribe no es la excepción. La deuda total ha crecido hasta alcanzar unos US$5,8 billones o el 117% del producto interno bruto (PIB) de la…
Jan 2023 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Powell, Andrew;Valencia, Oscar
O endividamento aumentou em todo o mundo, e a região da América Latina e Caribe no é exceção. A dívida total subiu para US$ 5,8 trilhes - ou 117% do PIB na região como um todo, chegando a 140% do PIB…
Jan 2023 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Busso, Matías;Chauvin, Juan Pablo
This paper explores the effects of weather-induced rural-urban migration on urban labor and housing markets in Brazil. In order to identify causal effects, it uses weather shocks to the rural…
Jan 2023 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Blyde, Juan S.;Busso, Matías;Park, Kyunglin;Romero, Dario
By exploiting spatial variation in import exposure arising from initial differences in industry specialization, we analyze how local labor markets in Mexico adjusted to increased Chinese-import…
Jan 2023 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Missbach, Leonard;Steckel, Jan Christoph;Vogt-Schilb, Adrien
One reason carbon prices are difficult to implement is that they might imply high additional costs on poor and vulnerable households. In response, studies often highlight that recycling revenues…
Jan 2023 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Missbach, Leonard;Steckel, Jan Christoph;Vogt-Schilb, Adrien
Una de las razones por las que los precios del carbono son difíciles de aplicar es que pueden suponer altos costos adicionales para los hogares pobres y vulnerables. Como respuesta a esto, los…
Jan 2023 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Abuelafia, Emmanuel;Andrian, Leandro Gaston;Beverinotti, Javier;Castilleja Vargas, Liliana;Díaz, Lina M.;García, Pablo M.;Gutiérrez Juárez, Priscilla;Maldonado, Leonardo;Manzano, Osmel;Moreno, Kenji;Navajas, Fernando;Saboin, José Luis
Developed and emerging economies, as well as the international context within which they interact, have faced and are facing events, such as climate change, digitalization, and the COVID-19 pandemic…
Jan 2023 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Abuelafia, Emmanuel;Andrian, Leandro Gaston;Beverinotti, Javier;Castilleja Vargas, Liliana;Díaz, Lina M.;García, Pablo M.;Gutiérrez Juárez, Priscilla;Maldonado, Leonardo;Manzano, Osmel;Moreno, Kenji;Navajas, Fernando;Saboin, José Luis
Las economías desarrolladas y emergentes, así como el contexto internacional dentro del cual interactúan, han enfrentado eventos que vienen transformando estructuralmente sus procesos de producción.…
Dec 2022 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Blackman, Allen;Dissanayake, Sahan;Martinez Cruz, Adan;Corral, Leonardo;Schling, Maja
We conduct a discrete choice experiment with leaders of a random sample of 164 Peruvian indigenous communities (ICs) - to our knowledge, the first use of rigorous stated preference methods to analyze…
Dec 2022 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Puig Gabarró, Pau;Martínez Garza Fernández, Ricardo;García Zaballos, Antonio;Iglesias Rodriguez, Enrique;Dalio, Maribel
El objetivo que persigue el presente documento es analizar el conjunto de barreras que explican las brechas de infraestructura de conectividad digital de última milla a nivel municipal y recopilar…
Dec 2022 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Keefer, Philip;Vlaicu, Razvan
We exploit new experimental and quasi-experimental data to investigate voters' intrinsic motivation to engage politically. Does having the right to vote increase engagement or, given significant…
Dec 2022 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Cathles, Alison;Suaznabar, Claudia;Vargas, Fernando
Are firms in Latin America and the Caribbean lagging in terms of their adoption of digital technologies? Using the most updated and, in many cases, new data, this publication provides a 360-degree…
Dec 2022 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Cathles, Alison;Suaznabar, Claudia;Vargas, Fernando
¿Están las empresas de América Latina y el Caribe atrasadas en términos de adopción de tecnologías digitales? A partir de datos actualizados y, en muchos casos, datos nuevos, esta publicación ofrece…