Feb 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Ramírez, Indhira;Scartascini, Carlos
Los accidentes de tráfico son un problema de salud pública importante en América Latina y el Caribe, que se cobra la increíble cifra de aproximadamente 110.000 víctimas mortales y más de 5 millones…
Jan 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Bancalari, Antonella;Bernal, Pedro;Celhay, Pablo;Martinez, Sebastian;Sánchez, María Deni
We examine the efficiency gains in health systems generated after the national roll out of basic healthcare in El Salvador between 2010 and 2013. Using data from over 120 million consultations and…
Jan 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Gomez-Gonzalez, Jose E.;Uribe, Jorge M.;Valencia, Oscar
This paper investigates how a country's economic complexity influences its sovereign yield spread with respect to the United States. Notably, a one-unit increase in the Economic Complexity Index…
Jan 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Estevez, Elsa;Janowski, Tomasz;Roseth, Benjamin
Government organizations worldwide are harvesting the transformative potential of digital technologies to automate interactions with citizens, businesses, and each other. Automation can bring…
Jan 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Duryea, Suzanne;Martínez, Claudia;Smith, Raimundo
We study the effects of a new 1% employment quota enacted in Chile in 2018 using anonymized administrative data on monthly employer-employee linkages and disability certification records. Our firm-…
Jan 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Ito, Rodrigo;Chavarro, Diego;Ciarli, Tommaso;Cowan, Robin;Visentin, Fabiana
Studying and working abroad, internationally mobile scientists meet foreign scientists and become carriers of knowledge. The benefits of international scientific mobility might extend to nonmobile…
Jan 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Martinez-Espiñeira, Roberto;Pérez Urdiales, María
Standard water affordability measures that only account for expenditure on piped water are unlikely to adequately capture the situation of all consumers in developing countries, who often experience…
Jan 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Hernández Romero, Karla;Vera-Cossio, Diego A.;Hoffmann, Bridget;Pecha, Camilo
The push for adopting digital modes of payment rests on three promises: increased efficiency of transactions, increased financial inclusion, and improvements in the financial well-being of low-income…
Jan 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Andrian, Leandro Gaston;Canavire-Bacarreza, Gustavo;Jiménez, Juan Pablo;Martínez-Vázquez, Jorge;Muñoz Miranda, Andrés
Uno de los mayores desafíos que enfrenta la humanidad es hacer que el planeta sea habitable para las próximas generaciones. Para ello, se requiere el rápido paso hacia economías descarbonizadas y que…
Jan 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Hernández, Juan;Wills, Daniel
Financiers in early-stage entrepreneurial finance are known for their “spray-and-pray” approach, where they fund multiple start-ups expecting profits on a few to compensate losses on a lot of failed…
Jan 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Frost, Margaret;Kim, Sangeun;Scartascini, Carlos;Zamora, Paula;Zechmeister, Elizabeth J.
Political trust is foundational to democratic legitimacy, representative governance, and the provision of effective public policy. Various shocks can influence this trust, steering countries onto…
Jan 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Vera, Felipe;Toro, Fernando;Mashini, Dominique;Barrios, Douglas;Santos, Miguel Ángel;Cabannes, Yves;Davis, Diane E.;Keil, Roger;Macdonald, Sara;Lefévre, Christian;Smolka, Martim;Maleronka, Camila;Sassen, Saskia;Schechtner, Katja;Alcayaga, Sebastián;Devine, Sophie;Jordán, Ricardo;Cruz, Nuno F. da;Burdett, Ricky;Ezquiaga Domínguez, José María;Carrión, Fernando;Allard, Pablo;Muñoz, Juan Carlos;Gallardo, Laura;Fernández, María Ignacia;Arriaza, Jose Miguel;Fuentes, Luis;Orellana, Arturo;Ramírez, Alfredo;Hidalgo Rasmussen, Alfredo;Freier, Luisa Feline;Wood, Javier;Rojas, Marisol;Mora, Pía;Martinez, Karen;Slack, Enid;Carvalho, Gustavo
¿Cómo definimos la unidad territorial metropolitana? ¿Cómo establecemos límites territoriales que garantizan la integración de sus sistemas ecológicos y sociales? ¿Cómo gestionamos los flujos…
Jan 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Grijalva, Diego F.;Uribe-Terán, Carlos;Gachet, Iván
This study analyzes the firm-level impacts of temporary safeguard import tariffs implemented in Ecuador from 2015 to 2017. Employing a difference-in-differences methodology, we explore the policy…
Jan 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Beuermann, Diether;Hoffmann, Bridget;Stampini, Marco;Vargas, David;Vera-Cossio, Diego A.
A key challenge for policymakers is how to design methods to select beneficiaries of social programs when income is volatile and the target population is dynamic. We evaluate a traditional
Jan 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Torres, Javier;Beverinotti, Javier;Canavire-Bacarreza, Gustavo
In a span of six years, the proportion of Venezuelans in Peru has surged nearly fourfold, rising from virtually zero to over 4% of the population. This study delves into the dynamics of medium- and…
Jan 2024 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Cavallo, Eduardo A.;Gómez, Santiago;Noy, Ilan;Strobl, Eric
Caribbean Islands are exposed to hurricanes, the damages of which are projected to intensify due to anthropogenic climate change. The region is also highly indebted. We focus on the interaction…
May 2023 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Prats Cabrera, Joan Oriol;Hinojosa, Sergio Alejandro;Roque Loyola, Heinz G.;Montecinos, Jorge G.;Moraga, Enrique;Carrillo, Camilo;Guerra, José Luis
El análisis de riesgos se encuentra en el corazón de las asociaciones público-privadas (APP), que en esencia son un mecanismo contractual para compartir riesgos entre el sector público y el privado…
Jan 2023 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Powell, Andrew;Valencia, Oscar
Debt has risen around the world, and Latin America and the Caribbean is no exception. Total debt has grown to US$5.8 trillion, or 117 percent of GDP, for the region and as much as 140 percent of GDP…
Jan 2023 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Powell, Andrew;Valencia, Oscar
La deuda ha aumentado en todo el mundo y América Latina y el Caribe no es la excepción. La deuda total ha crecido hasta alcanzar unos US$5,8 billones o el 117% del producto interno bruto (PIB) de la…
Jan 2023 Generative AI enabled
Author(s): Powell, Andrew;Valencia, Oscar
O endividamento aumentou em todo o mundo, e a região da América Latina e Caribe no é exceção. A dívida total subiu para US$ 5,8 trilhes - ou 117% do PIB na região como um todo, chegando a 140% do PIB…