The State of Education in Latin America and the Caribbean 2023

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Date issued
Jan 2024
Education and skill accumulation are fundamental for overcoming structural inequalities, improving social mobility, and boosting productivity. However, educational systems in Latin America and the Caribbean face significant challenges, such as high dropout rates, low completion levels, and deficiencies in the quality of learning. This situation is exacerbated by high inequality in access, quality, and completion, particularly affecting low-income students, rural areas, and racial and ethnic minorities. Having more and better data to help countries visualize problems, identify potential solutions, and decide how to invest resources towards those with the most evidence and potential to make a significant impact on identified educational challenges is key. The State of Education in Latin America and the Caribbean aims to contribute to this goal through a global comparative analysis of the three main dimensions that account for the level of development of educational systems: i) financial resources; ii) coverage and efficiency; and iii) learning outcomes. Additionally, the publication systematizes a selection of indicators from the educational statistics portal CIMA (Information Center for the Improvement of Learning, by its acronym in Spanish), allowing analysis at the national level and with various disaggregations.