How Do Migrants Fare in Latin America and the Caribbean?: Mapping Socio-Economic Integration

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Jul 2023
Over the last decade, the migration landscape in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) has changed significantly. In this context, the socio-economic integration of immigrants is an increasingly high priority on the regional development and policy agenda. For this reason, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have collaborated on this joint exercise that builds on OECDs previous experience in measuring migrant inclusion as well as IDBs expertise in building data around the state of migration in Latin America and the Caribbean, and UNDPs presence on the ground and experience working with national and local governments in the region to advance their development priorities. This report provides a general overview of the state of socio-economic integration of migrants in 12 LAC countries by 2021. It presents a series of quantitative indicators related with, for instance, labor market informality, self-employment, youth employment, school attendance, reading literacy and living conditions. This exercise also relies on selected policy indicators that shed light on the regulatory framework within which migrants integration takes place. The objective is to provide decisionmakers and policymakers in host countries with useful indicators to better understand where the gaps are in terms of migrants integration and to help them identify the areas where they should focus their efforts and scarce resources.