How Do Disruptive Innovators Prepare Today’s Students to be Tomorrow’s Workforce?: Coschool's Edumoción Centering The Emotion in Education

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Sara-Kennedy, Edward
Date issued
Mar 2023
Latin America and the Caribbean are facing numerous challenges, such as low-quality education, poor well-being, and non-peaceful and exclusive societies. The causes are complex, yet connected to outdated, ineffective, and underfinanced education systems. The emotional strain of the pandemic continues to create new challenges and unearth problems that have long been neglected. There is an urgent need for a disruptive solution that supports educators, parents, and students to overcome existing problems as well as better prepare them for uncertain times that lie ahead. In this brief, we introduce Edumoción, Coschools unique pedagogical model and solution which centers the emotion in education. Through the development of educators socioemotional and professional skills and well-being, teachers can better support students development of socioemotional, academic, and global competencies. Through Edumoción learning platform and community, educators are provided with the tools, knowledge, and a support network to develop professionally and personally. The Edumoción methodology enables teachers to cascade skills and knowledge to their students in safe and inclusive learning environments.