Corporate Evaluation: Managements Implementation of OVE Recommendations: IDB Groups Evaluation Recommendation Tracking System 2022

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Date issued
Sep 2023
The objective of this report is to inform on the extent to which Management has implemented relevant actions to address the challenges that gave rise to the recommendations issued by OVE in its evaluations, thereby strengthening accountability and institutional learning. Once the Executive Boards of the IDB and IDB Invest endorse the recommendations, Management prepares an action plan (AP) that is registered in the ReTS. OVE analyzes the relevance and evaluability of the APs when Management prepares or modifies them; It reviews its implementation every year, and for up to four years, and, at the end of that period, establishes the level of adoption of the recommendations. 97% of the 351 recommendations that OVE has issued since 2013 have been endorsed by the Boards of Directors.