Water for the Future: Water Security in Latin America and the Caribbean Strategy and Work Plan for the Inter-American Development Bank
Date issued
Nov 2020
This document presents an analysis of Water Security (WS) in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region, within five complementary perspectives: one of diagnosis of the current situation; a historical one from the point of view of the activity of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB); a prospective one that analyzes innovation opportunities in the sector; a strategical that establishes priority objectives and a proposal that outlines a work plan to advance in WS in the region. The document has been prepared in collaboration with various actors inside and outside the IDB, as well as various sectors related to the issue of water security in the countries of the region.
In addition to serving as a guide for planning purposes within the IDB, it will also be of support to the external reader because it examines the challenges and opportunities in SH in the region of LAC.
In addition to serving as a guide for planning purposes within the IDB, it will also be of support to the external reader because it examines the challenges and opportunities in SH in the region of LAC.