Venezuelan Migration in Peru: Short-term Adjustments in the Labor Market

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Date issued
Aug 2020
The Venezuelan migration to Peru has been growing at fast speed since 2016 reaching a peak in 2018. Using a panel that allows us to control for individual effects, we study the heterogeneous short-term responses to the inflow of Venezuelan migrants in terms of employment, informality and earnings of Peruvian workers during 2008-2018. We find that a 1 pp increase in the share of Venezuelan migrants in Peru is associated with: a) a 1.5 pp increase in the probability of being employed for workers with tertiary education in the non-service sector; b) a 1 pp decrease in the probability of having an informal job for workers with tertiary education in the non-service sector; and c) a 3.2 percent decrease in real monthly earnings for workers with secondary education and a formal job in the service sector.