Upgrading Institutional Capacities in Innovation Policy in Chile: Choices, Design, and Assessments
Date issued
Dec 2021
Innovation is crucial for development. A set of institutional capacities and coordinated actions between the public and private sectors are required to drive large mission-oriented innovation policies (MOIPs) to address priority issues and set a direction for the path of development. This work identifies what restrictions exist in institutional and policy capacities that hinder the design and implementation of MOPs in Chile. This work is based on a case study design. The study analyzes the design and implementation of two strategic programs for innovation and development in the solar energy and mining sectors. The study showed that the capacities of the programs analyzed were evident in the construction of a shared vision and the identification of innovation-led solutions for the development of the two sectors, but the lack of leadership from the government hinders the implementation of the programs, particularly because of the lack of coordination between government agencies and ministries for budget allocation and strategy definition.