A Unique Approach for Sustainable Energy in Trinidad and Tobago

Loy, Detlef;
Klein, Johanna;
Casado Cañeque, Fernando;
Date issued
Dec 2015
The Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (GORTT) has received a Policy-Based Loan (PBL) (TT-L1023) from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). This PBL for the Sustainable Energy Program consists of three different operations, each with specific institutional and policy goals. The IDB hired the consortium of Centre of Partnerships for Development (CAD), Projekt-Consult and LKS in 2012 to support the Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs (MEEA) with technical assistance in the development of policies and activities that will promote the deployment of Renewable Energy (RE) and the implementation of Energy Efficiency (EE) measures. The following is the Final Report of the consultancy services undertaken. It defines the baseline for electricity generation and carbon dioxide emissions, provides recommendations on policies for a Sustainable Energy future, assesses the potential for EE in T&T and analyses the options for different RE technologies and their possible uptake in T&T.