Testing Our Teachers: Keys to a Successful Teacher Evaluation System

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Jan 2020
Teacher evaluation is a key instrument to support the professional development of teachers and improve teacher effectiveness. This study analyzes teacher evaluation systems in Latin America and the Caribbean, and several high-performing education systems in other regions and presents practical guidance on how to develop a successful teacher evaluation system.

There are five keys to a successful teacher evaluation system. First, clarify what is expected of a teacher of excellence. Second, define what specific objective the teacher evaluation is pursuing. Third, use multiple instruments that provide reliable and valid information. Fourth, use the evaluation results efficiently and accordingly to the objectives. Fifth, conduct research into the evaluation processes and results to improve its design and implementation.

Latin America and the Caribbean countries still have a long way to go to implement teacher evaluation systems whose results can be used to improve teacher effectiveness. This is a necessary path to ensure that all children and youth in the region have access to effective teachers and a high-quality education.
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