Technical Notes on Gender Equality in Municipal Development: Experiences from Latin America and the Caribbean
Date issued
Apr 2008
The starting point for this document was the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) technical cooperation project Gender and Municipal Development (NI-T1002), which was financed by the Bank's Capacity Building Fund for Local Institutions in Central America (CABILICA) and implemented in coordination with the Nicaraguan Institute for Municipal Strengthening (INIFOM) from 2004 to 2005. The purpose of the project was to promote municipal development interventions that better address the needs and priorities of women and men, and to facilitate full participation in municipal planning and development processes. It supported the development of a module on gender in municipal development to help build capacity among local authorities, planners, and project managers; a national diagnostic study on gender in municipal development; and a compilation of good practices in the Latin American region in this area of work.