Status of Incorporation of Disaster Risk Management in National Public Investment Systems: Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago
Aug 2014
In 2012 the Inter-American Development Bank developed a methodology to assess the status of and progress in the incorporation of disaster risk management (DRM) in the national public investment systems (NPIS) of its borrowing countries. The methodology includes a total of 23 parameters that categorize five (5) main criteria viz. institutional capacity for NPIS; development of conceptual models, methodologies and tools to incorporate DRM in PIP; dissemination, training, technical support and information on the incorporation of DRM in NPIS; political consensus and follow up on the gradual adoption of technical tools for the incorporation of DRM in NPIS; and mechanisms of control. This Technical Note presents the results of the application of the methodology in two Caribbean countries: Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago. The Note includes an explanation of the model that served as the basis for the study, including the criteria, parameters and a description of the data and information collection process. The findings of theassessment for each of the two countries are presented along with recommendations for the more effective incorporation of DRM in NPIS.