Status of Incorporation of Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation in National Public Investment Systems: Results for The Bahamas, Guyana and Jamaica and Comparative Analysis for Five Caribbean Countries
Mar 2016
Integration of disaster risk management (DRM) and climate change adaptation (CCA) in public investment must be seen as a direct intervention policy decision making and hence, as part of the national DRM strategies within the Region to reduce both exposure and socio-economic vulnerability to the multiple hazards that pose significant risks to sustainable development. Governments must therefore give tangible support to the development of laws, standards and regulations, and conceptual and methodological frameworks, plus the application of DRM and CCA tools to public investment portfolios. In 2012, the IDB developed a methodology to assess the status of and progress in the incorporation of DRM and CCA in National Public Investment Systems (NPIS) of its borrowing countries. The methodology, described in detail in Section 2 of this report, includes a total of 23 parameters that categorise five (5) criteria, namely: (i) institutional framework for NPIS; (ii) development of conceptual models, methodologies and tools to incorporate DRM in Public Investment Project (PIP); (iii) dissemination, training, technical support and information on the incorporation of DRM and CCA in NPIS; (iv) policy consensus and follow up on the gradual adoption of technical tools for the incorporation of DRM in NPIS; and (v) mechanisms of control. This technical note presents the results of the application of the IDB's methodology for the assessment of the status of the incorporation of DRM in NPIS and PIPs in three Caribbean countries: The Bahamas, Guyana and Jamaica, and a comparative analysis of the results for five countries: the Bahamas, Guyana and Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago. The progress in each of the 23 parameters is evaluated on three levels: green (accomplished), yellow (in progress) and red (incipient). This information provided by the interviewees was supplemented and/or validated by means of a desk review of accessible documents on aspects of the NPIS in the targeted countries.