The State of Education in Latin America and the Caribbean: Learning Assessments

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Date issued
Sep 2024
The second edition of The State of Education in Latin America and the Caribbean 2024 examines the evolution of large-scale learning assessments in the region. The report begins with an overview of education based on a selection of indicators on resources, coverage, efficiency, and learning. It focuses specifically on socioeconomic inequalities. It then focuses on the evolution of learning measurement in 18 countries from the 1990s to this day, highlighting significant milestones in regional and international assessments and the design and implementation of large-scale national assessments. The report analyzes aspects such as test frequency and coverage, institutional changes, types of assessments, and the impact of the pandemic, as well as the challenges affecting the quality and validity of the assessment. The report also examines how these assessments influence education policymaking and their role in improving education quality. Finally, it provides recommendations for strengthening learning assessment systems, supporting post-pandemic learning recovery, and promoting greater education equity.