Spain: A Succesful Experience of Remote Tutoring

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Gortazar, Lúcas;
Hupkau, Claudia;
Roldán, Antonio
Date issued
Aug 2023
In 2021, EsadeEcPol, in collaboration with the "Empieza Por Educar" Foundation (ExE), launched "Menttores", an online educational reinforcement program aimed at students from vulnerable backgrounds in response to the challenges posed by COVID-19. Over 8 weeks, 356 students aged 12-15 from 18 educational centers in Madrid and Catalonia benefited from three weekly tutoring sessions, each 50 minutes long, taught by paid-for, qualified math teachers who passed a rigorous selection and training process. Through a "Randomized Controlled Trial" (RCT), it was shown that the program achieved a significant increase in math grades, reduced the likelihood of repeating the school year, and additionally, fostered the aspirations and commitment of the students.