Small Hydropower in Uruguay: A Brief Overview

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Date issued
Jun 2022
Malagón, Edwin
Uruguay has made a huge transformation of its electricity matrix in the last 15 years. It achieved a reduction in the dependance of fossil fuels with 98% of the electricity generated in 2019 coming from renewable energies. Hydropower was, in the same year, the main source of generation and represented 50% of total electricity generated. Even though the potential capacity of small hydropower projects (less than 50MW) is estimated in 232 MW, there are no projects of this size.
This document is a brief overview of the situation of small hydropower in the country. It includes general characteristics of the country associated with hydropower generation, an overview of the electricity and small hydropower sectors, policies, legislation, and regulations associated with the technology. It closes with a general identification of the main barriers and enablers for small hydropower development.