Sexual and Gender-based Violence: Road Map for Prevention and Response in Latin America and the Caribbean
Date issued
Dec 2021
High levels of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) persist throughout Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), both in terms of the different types of violence and where it occurs. Although women and girls are the majority of victims, SGBV is aggravated when it intersects with more than one dimension such as race, ethnicity, disability, migratory status, sexual orientation, or age, among others.
This document aims to generate a road map for the design, implementation, and evaluation of policies and programs based on the available evidence to prevent and respond to SGBV. It is aimed at people who design, implement, and evaluate such policies and programs in LAC, but also for the general public who are interested and work in the field.
The map is guided by a theory of change that articulates a set of components: analysis of the problem, the barriers faced in preventing and responding to SGBV, and evidence-based interventions that are the product of experimental or quasi-experimental evaluations.
This document aims to generate a road map for the design, implementation, and evaluation of policies and programs based on the available evidence to prevent and respond to SGBV. It is aimed at people who design, implement, and evaluate such policies and programs in LAC, but also for the general public who are interested and work in the field.
The map is guided by a theory of change that articulates a set of components: analysis of the problem, the barriers faced in preventing and responding to SGBV, and evidence-based interventions that are the product of experimental or quasi-experimental evaluations.