Jan 2007
Author(s): Galindo, Arturo;Scartascini, Carlos;Payne, J. Mark;Daughters, Robert;Melo, Alberto;Echebarría, Koldo;Lora, Eduardo;Filc, Gabriel;Micco, Alejandro;Chong, Alberto E.;Panizza, Ugo;Benavides, Juan;Magaldi de Sousa, Mariana;Navarro, Juan Carlos;Márquez, Gustavo;Cortázar Velarde, Juan Carlos;Mesa-Lago, Carmelo;Harper, Leslie;Rodríguez-Clare, Andrés;Perusia, Juan Cruz
Latin America suffered a profound state crisis in the 1980s, which prompted not only the wave of macroeconomic and deregulation reforms known as the Washington Consensus, but also a wide variety of…