Research Futures: Projecting Agricultural R&D Potentials for Latin America and the Caribbean

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Alston, Julian M.;
Sebastian, Kate;
Wood, Stanley;
Wood-Sichra, Ulrike;
You, Liang;
Chan-Kang, Connie;
Revoredo-Giha, César L.;
Pardey, Philip G.
Date issued
Jan 2010
This volume offers substantive clarification of the proper roles for public agricultural research and development (R&D) throughout Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and introduces an analytical framework for assessing cross-country collective action in funding and carrying out research. To inform research policy decisions, the book provides a wealth of newly digested information about trends in agricultural production, productivity, consumption, and trade for the region, placing those trends in a comparative international context. It also provides new information about the spatial patterns of agricultural production and productivity in LAC - especially critical information for making informed research priority decisions given the inherent agroecological specificity of many agricultural technologies.
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