Remittance Recipients in El Salvador: A Socioeconomic Profile
Date issued
Sep 2016
This analytic brief presents the results of a quantitative analysis of the socioeconomic characteristics of the beneficiaries of international remittances in El Salvador. The analysis is based on household survey data from the 2013 Encuesta de Hogares de Propósitos Múltiples (EHPM, for its Spanish acronym), which was carried out by the General Directorate for Statistics and Censuses (DIGESTYC, for its Spanish acronym) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of El Salvador. The dataset is made up of 21,086 households (81,865 individuals) and is representative at the national, departmental, urban, and rural levels, as well as for the San Salvador Metropolitan Area and the country's 50 largest municipalities1. The high standards for quality applied to the design and implementation of the EHPM allow for disaggregated analyses of the characteristics of remittance beneficiaries and reliable comparisons between the remittance beneficiary segment and the population at large. The statistical analysis for this brief was performed using the standardized version of the EHPM dataset contained in the Inter-American Development Bank¿s Harmonized Household Survey Databases for Latin America and the Caribbean (also known as Sociómetro-BID).