Recommendations on Diversity Data in the Social Sector

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Date issued
Dec 2021
Bosch, Mariano;
Pombo, Cristina;
Araujo, María Caridad
Administrative records, surveys, and censuses are all important resources for understanding the extent and nature of existing inequities and biases. When individuals, households, and peoples (pueblos) are properly identified based on their ethnicity, race, disability status, sexual orientation, migration status, gender identity, or other characteristics, gaps in socioeconomic indicators across these groups can be quantified. This enables policymakers to focus efforts and resources towards the most disadvantaged and promote equity. The lack of disaggregated data representative of diverse groups limits our understanding of their living conditions and economic opportunities. It also poses a significant challenge. This guide supports individuals interested in collecting or analyzing data on indigenous peoples, African descendants, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ populations by providing conceptual and empirical tools for specialists.