Proposal to Enhance the Role of Oversight and Evaluation within Management

Dec 1999
This proposal (RE-243) was prepared in response to Recommendation 4 of the final report entitled "Strengthening Oversight and Rebuilding Evaluation in the Bank" (RE-238) by the Working Group of the Board of Executive Directors on Oversight and Evaluation in June of 1999. The objective of this proposal is to ensure "proper and adequate coordination of the BES and OEO's work with Management through creation of new coordination mechanisms". It comprises 4 key points: 1) Appoint in the Office of the Executive Vice President a Senior Evaluation Advisor; 2) Assign the Portfolio Management and Project Monitoring Office (PMP) of the Regional Operations Support Office as the Secretariat of the Bank's Evaluation Svstem; 3) Dissemination of internal evaluations of Bank projects; 4) Coordinating: views of OVE and Management.