Projects for the Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Education: Conceptual Framework

Date issued
Feb 2010
Incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) into areas of education is no longer optional. Countries, regions and schools are driven to develop new initiatives that take into consideration the incorporation of these tools into teaching and learning processes, so that education systems can connect the society¿s new demands for knowledge with the new characteristics of the learners who are part of these systems. This document presents and describes a Conceptual Framework that endeavors to support the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of projects that aim to incorporate the use of ICTs for the purpose of improving the quality of education. It also presents a list of indicators that can aid in achieving this purpose if aligned with the Conceptual Framework itself. This work is part of the IDB-led initiative to develop, in tandem with other international organizations, a common Framework and Indicators that will lend support to decision making in different countries.