Privatization in Latin America

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Sepúlveda, Ernesto;
Coloma, Germán;
Gómez, Ana María;
Corona, Rossana;
Trujillo, Juan Pablo;
Jaramillo, Lino;
Zuleta, Luis Alberto;
Hachette, Dominique;
Tagle, Guillermo;
Herrera, Luis Fernando;
Ochoa, Otoniel;
Ballén, Carlos Eduardo;
Sánchez, Manuel;
Olvera, Arturo;
Lüders, Rolf
Date issued
Jan 1993
Corona, Rossana;
Sánchez, Manuel
Examining the privatization experience of case studies, within Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, and Colombia, this book evaluates the empirical evidence on privatization and assesses the validity of the criticisms raised to show that privatization can lead to increased profitability and productivity, firm restructuring, fiscal benefits, output growth, and even quality improvements. Case studies of three industrial and two service enterprises (including the privatizing and reprivatizing of one of them) are analyzed: Compania de Acero del Pacifico (CAP); Celulosa Arauco y Constitution, S.A. (CAYC); Empresa Nacional de Electricidad (ENDESA); Banco de Chile (BCH); Compania de Telefonos de Chile (CTC).
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