PPPs and Supervisory Bodies in Latin America and the Caribbean: Role and Challenges
Date issued
Nov 2021
The Discussion Papers PPP Americas 2021 are a series of documents written to prepare for PPP Americas tenth edition. The event is the most important forum on Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), organized every two years by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). Driven by PPP Americas 2021, we gathered eight thematic groups were, with specialists, professionals, consultants, and scholars engaged directly in the preparation, identification, structuration, and management of PPP infrastructure projects in countries of the region. IDB specialists coordinated the groups to review the main hot topics on PPP projects for social and economic infrastructure, aiming to exchange experiences, debate successful cases and lessons learned. The present Discussion Paper, “PPPs and Supervisory Bodies in Latin America and the Caribbean,” collects the main conclusions and recommendations discussed by the group and intends to consolidate a knowledge exchange environment in infrastructure and PPP inside the region, offering the discussions on roles, challenges, and best practices for supervisory bodies in Latin America and the Caribbean.