Online Courses: Gender and Diversity Mainstreaming Guidelines
Dec 2021
This publication aims to contribute to incorporating the cultural and diversity aspect and gender equality into online learning. Furthermore, the purpose is to influence how society perceives
women and men's roles differently within an online learning environment. These guidelines can inspire professionals in Education to apply the gender perspective in their courses. However, these tools are designed exclusively for courses based on gender-related topics. Regarding diversity, there are no clear recommendations on mainstreaming diversity in the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of courses. We found many sources linked to primary Education and classrooms, but not adult education or online training. With these guidelines from the Inter-American Development Bank, we intend to share the knowledge acquired by INDES in developing more inclusive and respectful learning interventions with diversity and gender regardless of their subject matter. Specific guidelines have been set on how to create their courses with a gender and diversity perspective. The guidelines also share best practices to be applied in all phases of course development.
women and men's roles differently within an online learning environment. These guidelines can inspire professionals in Education to apply the gender perspective in their courses. However, these tools are designed exclusively for courses based on gender-related topics. Regarding diversity, there are no clear recommendations on mainstreaming diversity in the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of courses. We found many sources linked to primary Education and classrooms, but not adult education or online training. With these guidelines from the Inter-American Development Bank, we intend to share the knowledge acquired by INDES in developing more inclusive and respectful learning interventions with diversity and gender regardless of their subject matter. Specific guidelines have been set on how to create their courses with a gender and diversity perspective. The guidelines also share best practices to be applied in all phases of course development.