OLPC Pre-Pilot Evaluation Report (Haiti)

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Kipp, Scott;
Cruz, Jessica;
Steiner-Khamsi, Gita
Date issued
Jun 2009
This working paper discusses the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) pilot program carried out by the Haitian Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MENFP) conducted in collaboration with the IDB. The OLPC pre-pilot project was implemented at the Ecole Nationale Republique du Chili (ENRC), an all-female public school located in Port-au-Prince. Because the school year had ended before the OLPC pre-pilot began, the project was conducted as a summer camp entitled "XO Camp," held on June 30th-July 18th, 2008. The camp enrolled 116 student participants and the XO laptop, an educational tool designed by One Laptop Per Child (OLPC), a nonprofit organization headquartered at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was selected as the educational device for the initial implementation. Although the original intention was to create a context of one-to-one computing, the XO Camp operated primarily with one-to-two computing owing to an unexpected shortage of XO laptops.