New Policies for Mandatory Defined Contribution Pensions: Industrial Organization Models and Investment Products

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Impavido, Gregorio;
Lasagabaster, Esperanza
Date issued
Jan 2010
This book has three main objectives: (i) discusses the main implications for the functioning of mandatory defined contribution pensions of consumers' inability to make rational choices; (ii) describes how jurisdictions have tried to address these problems through ad hoc policy interventions; and (iii) proposes new policy directions in the areas of industrial organization models and investment products to address these concerns more effectively. Written for practitioners and researchers around the world, this book provides access to new thinking on mandatory defined contribution pension systems and it makes an important contribution to the on-going policy debate on how to best structure mandatory defined contribution pillars. This publication belongs to the Latin American Development Forum Series (LADF), sponsored by the Inter-American Development Bank, the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, and the World Bank.
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