Monitoring and Evaluation Systems in Guyana
Date issued
Jun 2014
For at least the past 10 years, the Government of Guyana has been implementing reforms aimed at improving public sector efficiency and effectiveness. In the past few years, special attention has been given to the introduction of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). This Technical Note analyzes Guyana's current M&E capabilities, as well as a proposed M&E Strategy and Action Plan. The analysis shows that the development of institutional M&E capacities has started but is not running on the Action Plan schedule. This may be explained by unrealistic implementation expectations. Moreover, the plan to increase the availability of performance information needs to be complemented with specific measures to institutionalize the use of such information in policymaking and to increase the availability of information to the public. This Technical Note includes a list of recommendations that, if followed, should help increase Guyana's chances of successfully implementing and sustaining M&E.