Modeling Public Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean

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Durán Lima, José;
Alvarez, Mariano;
Wong, Sara;
Estrades, Carmen;
Medvedev, Denis;
van der Mensbrugghe, Dominique;
Tourinho, Octávio Augusto Fontes;
Kume, Honorio;
Pedroso, Ana Cristina de Souza
Sep 2010
Schuschny, Andrés;Giordano, Paolo;Durán Lima, José;de Miguel, Carlos;Watanuki, Masakazu;Guzmán, Julio
This book contains a selection of studies discussed at the first and second Regional Meetings on Computable General Equilibrium, which were held, respectively, in Santiago, Chile on 13 and 14 April 2007 with the collaboration of the Centre for International Prospective Studies and Information (CEPII), and San Jose, Costa Rica, from 24 to 25 November 2008, with the collaboration of the Central American Institute of Business Administration (INCAE). They deal with issues such as trade policy, regional integration, trade in services, fiscal policy, the impact of food price surges and climate change; are based on comparable methodologies; and shed light on the implications of crucial policy alternatives that Latin American regional policymakers are currently facing. With this publication, ECLAC and IDB hope to disseminate the studies broadly among policymakers and to encourage new generations of modelers to further analytical work in this area.
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