MIF Evaluation: Support of Private Participation in Infrastructure

Date issued
Sep 2003
This report (MIF/GN-78-9) comprises the evaluation of MIF's projects supporting private participation in infrastructure performed by the Office of Evaluation and Oversight. The evaluation was initiated in 2002, covering four thematic groups of projects: Alternative Dispute Resolution (GN-78-2), Microfinance (GN-78-3), and Capital Markets & Financial Reform (GN-78-4). During 2003, as established in the program approved by the Donors Committee (GN-78-1), the project groups to be evaluated include the rest of the MIF thematic areas of intervention: (i) Private Provision of Infrastructure Services; (ii) Human Resources Development (including skills standards and labor market reforms); (iii) Business Development Services (including quality standards and promotion of trade and investment); (iv) Venture Capital Development; (v) Environment and Eco-Efficiency; and (vi) Promotion of Competition and Consumer Protection.