MIF Evaluation: Development of Venture Capital
Date issued
Jan 2004
The objective of this report (MIF/GN-78-11) is to present the results of the evaluation of the initiative taken by the MIF to support Venture Capital Development in the region. The point of departure for this evaluation was to look at the international experience in SME/Venture Capital development and the benefits that this dynamic segment can bring to the economy as a whole. order to proceed with the evaluation, a special methodological framework was developed by OVE to capture the specific characteristics of MIF interventions. Also an initial estimate of its entire project portfolio was done, identifying the main thematic project groups for which common reference points could be established and meaningful lessons could be drawn. The evaluation was initiated in 2002, covering four groups of projects: (i) Financial Reform, (ii) Capital Markets; (iii) Microfinance; and (iv) Alternative Dispute Resolution. These four groups represented 134 projects from 16 countries with a total approved value US$159.75 millions of MIF resources.