Mid-term Evaluation of IDB-9 Commitments: Overview
Date issued
Mar 2013
In 2010 the Governors of the IDB approved two formal agreements -the "Cancun Declaration" and the "Report on the Ninth General Increase in the Resources of the Inter-American Development Bank"- leading to the Bank's Ninth General Capital Increase (IDB-9). These agreements tied IDB-9 to a series of reforms broadly intended to strengthen the strategic focus, development effectiveness, and efficiency of the Bank to help it remain relevant and competitive in the years ahead. IDB's Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) was charged with conducting a midterm evaluation to assess whether these reforms were being implemented fully and effectively. This overview report summarizes the findings of OVE's evaluation and provides 10 priority recommendations to help the Bank move forward effectively on this broad range of fronts. More in-depth findings and suggestions in individual areas are available in the 22 background papers accompanying this report.