Measuring Aid for Trade Effectiveness: A Case Study for Colombia
Jan 2013
The objective of the report is to present good practices in designing and introducing results frameworks for aid-for-trade projects and programs based on country defined quantifiable targets and a menu of limited number of indicators to measure performance as outcomes and impacts. The report assess indicators used in the evaluation of Aid for Trade projects in Colombia on the grounds of its country-specific needs and challenges for its future economic development. Specifically the study identifies targets and performance indicators used in Colombia, assess the adequacy of existing framework, and the ability of the country to use existing measure performance and; discuss options to introduce or improve these measurement frameworks to strengthen transparency and accountability. The evaluation of Aid for Trade indicators in Colombia led to a number of conclusions and recommendations for future determinations of Aid for Trade measures: (1) close monitoring and evaluating of interventions and their indicators during the implementation phase is crucial to adapt to a changing project environment; (2) a quasi-experimental or experimental project setup facilitates evidence-based analysis and decision-making; (3) the alignment of national objectives with local needs and interests is essential for the success of the project and finally; and (4) international comparability is an advantage.