Long-term Adaptation Planning in Latin America and the Caribbean
Date issued
Oct 2022
Long-term adaptation planning (LTAP) is an important element of the response to the impacts of climate change, particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), a region that is highly vulnerable to such impacts. This report shows the progress that the region has made in terms of LTAP, considering the general planning exercises while also taking into account that policy instruments, tools and approaches take different forms in each country. Therefore, the report seeks to establish a common understanding of the approaches to long-term adaptation planning and describe how this concept is integrated into existing climate action strategic planning exercises. After a thorough review of the frequently-used tools and methodologies for LATP approaches and a mapping of the efforts of eight LAC countries on this topic, the report proposes an intervention framework and a set of recommendations to mainstream and integrate LTAP into long-term climate action planning. In its preparation, a combination of qualitative methods was used, including an extensive literature review, interviews with experts and country officials, and workshop discussions with the countries that were part of the study to identify the main barriers to LTAP and the best regional practices.