Lights On?: Energy Needs in Latin America and the Caribbean to 2040
Jan 2016
Energy is essential in our daily life. The world we know and live in today simply cannot function without it. This report intends to answer how much energy is likely to be needed in countries across the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) through 2040? We estimate region-wide total primary energy demand to be at least 80% higher than present day levels. We anticipate some gains in efficiency across economies region-wide. Considering the region as a whole, LAC will have reduced energy intensity by more than 17% by the end of the projection period. On the electricity side, regional power needs are projected to grow by more than 91% through 2040, reaching over 2,970 TWh - growing at an average annual rate of 2.4%. Keeping the lights on for everyone means that the region will need to add nearly 1,500 TWh to meet its additional electricity requirements. This report is meant to provide a basis for understanding future energy demand in Latin American and the Caribbean countries.