Japan Special Fund and Japanese Trust Fund for Consultancy Services Annual Report 2005
Jun 2006
This Annual Report details the activities of the Japanese Special Fund and the Japanese Trust Fund for Consultancy Services for 2005. The Japan Special Fund (JSF) is the largest active trust fund at the IDB and the single most significant source of flexible, untied, external funding for IDB technical cooperation activities. Since its establishment in 1988, the Japan Special Fund has contributed to support the Bank's strategy to improve the infrastructure stock of the countries, protect the natural environment and promote the productive sectors. The Japanese Trust Fund for Consultancy Services (JCF) facilitates, established in 1995, is another strong window to achieve the application of Japanese know-how and development experience to the challenges facing the developing countries of the Americas. During the 2005 Fiscal Year, the JSF team worked to promote the JSF Poverty Reduction Program (JPO) facility through an extensive consultation process with Bank's specialists, which resulted in the significant amount of project approval through two innovative windows: the Community Based Program (CBP) and the Loan Enhancement Program (LEP). In 2005, the Bank approved 38 projects for a total of US$12.0 million, financed by all subprograms of the Japanese Trust Funds (JSF, JCF and JPO).