Japan Special Fund and Japanese Trust Fund for Consultancy Services Annual Report 2004

Date issued
Jun 2005
This Annual Report details activities of the Japanese Special Fund and the Japanese Trust Fund for Consultancy Services for the year 2004. Japan has been playing a leading role through Technical Cooperation resources through two funds: established in 1988 for the Japan Special Fund (JSF) and the Japanese Trust Fund for Consultancy Services (JCF). Both funds provide financing through a wide range of activities in various sectors in Latin America and Caribbean region. In Fiscal Year 2004, the JSF Team worked to streamline the Poverty Reduction Program (JPO) facility with an extensive interviewing process with specialists, which resulted in the creation of two innovative windows, the Loan Enhancement Program (LEP) and the Community Based Program (CBP). The LEP is designed to enhance the quality of loans by enlarging the coverage of poverty target activities, thereby upgrading the developmental impact of the loan facility. The Community Based Program (CBP) empowers local governments, NGOs, and communities to ensure that their own development can be effective and sustainable in building the basis of social needs. The CBP is expected to be a major catalyst for grass-roots development at the local level.