Japan Special Fund and Japanese Trust Fund for Consultancy Services Annual Report 2001
Jan 2002
This Annual Report details the the activities of the Japanese Special Fund and the Japanese Trust Fund for Consultancy Services for 2001. In 1988 the Government of Japan (GoJ) created the Japan Special Fund (JSF) to provide financial assistance for the Bank's technical cooperation (TC) activities in the Latin American and Caribbean region. In April, 2001, the GoJ set aside US$30 millions from the JSF resources for the Poverty Reduction Program (JPO). A total of 29 JSF/JPO projects for US$16.6 million were approved by the Bank by year's end, including 6 projects, totaling US$2.5 million for JPO (Poverty Reduction Program). The JCF has become the largest of the 28 smaller funds established within the Technical Cooperation funds program managed by the Bank. The principal sectors of JCF financing are infrastructure and environment.