Inter-American Development Bank Sustainability Review 2008

Mar 2009
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is committed to integrating sustainability within the full spectrum of its operations and to promoting the value of sustainability among its stakeholders. In 2008, to help prioritize and to report on progress adequately, the Bank has defined a framework called the Sustainability Agenda. The Sustainability Agenda is based on six key objectives for the Bank and includes both established commitments and new specific goals, as reported in this and previous Sustainability Reviews. Each objective will be supported by concrete actions that will be measured and reported on annually. The Sustainability Agenda consists of commitments in the following areas: 1) Enhancing sustainability governance; 2) Strengthening stakeholder relations; 3) Improving environmental and social impact management; 4) Growing the sustainability investment portfolio; 5) Expanding knowledge and learning activities; and 6) Minimizing the environmental footprint.