Inter-American Development Bank Annual Report 2005

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Date issued
Feb 2006
This Annual Report contains a brief summary of the economic situation of Latin America and the Caribbean and a review of the Bank's operations in 2005. In addition, the Report contains a description of the Bank's operations - loans, guarantees, financings for small projects and technical cooperation -, Management's Discussion and Analysis: Ordinary Capital; the financial statements of the Bank; and its general appendices. Under the new lending framework approved by the Board of Governors in Okinawa, Japan, during the Bank's 46th Annual Meeting, the Bank has a blueprint and a set of tools for maintaining its status as the leading source of finance for the region for the near and medium term. In 2005, the IDB continued providing support for projects to reduce poverty and enhance social equity, such as implementing its Strategy for Poverty Reduction and Promotion of Social Equity by providing support for the implementation of national poverty reduction strategies in countries eligible for debt relief under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative.