Integration & Trade Journal: No. 49: Year 28, May 2024: Going Green: A New Trade Agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean

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Schwartz M, Marco;
Kern F, Werther;
Marchant S, Ricardo;
Mango, Francisco;
Calvo, Jimena;
Arias Mahiques, Victoria;
Villafañe, María Fernanda;
De la Vega, Pablo;
Park, Leonardo;
Sancisi, Ángeles;
Fagundes Cezar, Rodrigo;
Sun, Yixian;
Cabrini, Silvina;
Cristeche, Estela;
Amaro, Ignacio Benito;
Faverin, Claudia;
Pace Guerrero, Ignacio;
Olemberg, Demián;
Piperata, Marcela;
Recavarren, Paulo;
Said, Andrés;
Tieri, María Paz;
Vidal, Ruy;
Canepa Pérez, Ileana M;
Meneses Requena, Salvador;
Dzul Caamal, Ricardo;
Góngora García, Randall;
Date issued
May 2024
Ramos, María Priscila;
Rozemberg, Ricardo;
De Angelis, Jesica;
Michalczewsky, Kathia;
Sternberg, Sofía;
Basco, Ana Inés;
Merino, María Florencia;
Amigo, Huilén;
Barafani, Magdalena;
Pernas, Mariana
This 49th edition of this journal address the new challenges and opportunities of the environmental agenda and its implications for international trade in the Latin America and the Caribbean countries.
In these six articles, innovative empirical and conceptual evidence is provided on key topics to promote this agenda at the regional level, with the intention of generating policy suggestions and recommendations for the public and private sectors.
Five of the articles were prepared by the winners of a call for research in collaboration with the Interdisciplinary Institute of Political Economy of Buenos Aires (IIEP) of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires ( UBA) carried out in 2023. Meanwhile, a sixth article was produced by the team of the Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean (INTAL) of the Integration and Trade Sector (INT) of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).
At the IDB INTAL we believe that international trade is an essential channel to move towards green, resilient and inclusive development in the coming years. And it can contribute to reducing the effects of climate change and accompany adaptation and mitigation efforts.