Independent Evaluation of the MIF (2002-2003): Final Report

Mar 2004
This report consolidates the main findings and areas of opportunity identified in the evaluation of MIF activities conducted in 2002 and 2003, pursuant to the work plan approved by the Donors Committee (MIF/GN-78). The evaluation reviewed some 500 projects totaling US$800 million and covering all the main areas of activity addressed and types of operation carried out by the MIF in its 10 year of operation (1993-2003). This report is divided into three chapters. The first chapter presents the main findings, organized according to the evaluation criteria set forth in the methodological framework specially developed by OVE for this review. The second chapter highlights comparative advantages of the MIF identified during the evaluation that will be key in undertaking new initiatives and formulating strategic focuses in the coming years. The third chapter discusses the main areas of opportunity for the MIF, divided into strategic, operational, and thematic opportunities.