Implicit IDB Strategy for Regional Integration: Its Evaluation
May 2002
This report (RE-265) is the first stage of an evaluation of the Bank's strategy for regional integration, being conducted by the Office of Evaluation and Oversight. It attempts to identify the Bank's implicit strategy and the way this is incorporated into programming and project management. The evaluation of regional programs and project impact is left for subsequent reports. The Bank does not yet have a formerly articulated strategy on integration, so this report analyses the Bank's observed practice in supporting the sector, including programming and financial and nonfinancial activities. In this stage, work was carried out on the three components of the strategy, namely "direction", "programming" and "management". The procedure was firstly to identify the Bank's strategic direction on integration; then to examine how integration is incorporated in the Bank's programming, and lastly to analyze the contribution made by Bank products to fulfilling regional integration goals.